If you or someone you know is looking to start a Rebuilding Together affiliate in your community, we invite you to learn more about our new process for applying and launching an affiliate.
Welcome to [Re]purpose, Rebuilding Together’s blog. This is a place to share stories of the great work of our organization. The stories you will find here are uplifting, compelling but also heartbreaking, they are the stories of Rebuilding Together.
August 11, 2021
Being involved with Rebuilding Together Twin Cities for more than 20 years, I’ve met many of our neighbors. When I pass houses, I always remember those we’ve repaired and the wonderful residents that live there. More than a few stories stick out to me, but the story of Marshall is probably one I will remember forever.
August 4, 2021
Even during a pandemic, Rebuilding Together Sandoval County and community partners worked to return an older man to his home after being forced out of the house for building code violations.
July 30, 2021
Rebuilding Together St. Louis often talks with neighbors about other concerns and challenges in addition to their need for home repairs. Increasingly over the years, our neighbors have told us about lack of affordable, healthy grocery stores nearby.
July 28, 2021
Did you know over 1.5 million rural homes nationwide are considered moderately or severely substandard? Today we’re excited to announce the award of our second Rural Capacity Building program grant from the U.S. Department of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD)!
July 15, 2021
Next year will mark 40 years since my husband Jim and I bought our first and only home. It’s always been such an important place, an anchor to me and my kids and many friends and family members.
July 12, 2021
Rebuilding Together New Orleans is revitalizing our community through our Summer Youth Workforce Development Program. The program is a great opportunity for members to engage with and serve their city while receiving critical training to help improve their career search and employability.
July 7, 2021
Distressed neighborhoods have been linked to lower graduation rates, increased health problems and unemployment. We must work together to address the pressing needs of our communities!
June 22, 2021
Donating to a nonprofit is such a personal and meaningful act. Sometimes it happens by way of volunteering for a project, posting a time sensitive social media post about disaster recovery or even a random Google search.